Ser Jacopo's

The Pipe Holmes would have smoked!X

At the our urging almost 20 years ago, Giancarlo put his brilliant design skills to creating these wonderful and unique Kalabashes. There've been other Kalabashes in the past, but none maintained the classical shape as does Ser Jacopo.

Giancarlo has never taken the easy road, and to produce a one piece Kalabash was no simple task. In figuring the geometry, it was realized that the bore defied conventional drills, and a specialized flexible one was configured to maintain the classical goose neck shank. The result is the first truly classical Kalabash in briar, and it has been one of the most popular of all of Ser Jacopo's pipes.

In the past few years, Giancarlo has added new models and design aspects to new shapes while remaining true to the original Kalabash shape.








Brown Sandblast
with flush mount
silver band


Dark Sandblast
with flush mount
silver band


R1 Rustic with Delecta briar mount


 R1 Dark Rustic with Delecta
briar mount


 Natural smooth with Delecta
silver mount


R1 Rustic
with flush mount
silver band


Ruby smooth with beaded end silver army mount


Ruby smooth with silver Imago mount


R1 Rustic with no addition or option


R1 Rustic with beaded end silver army mount


L2 Natural with beaded silver
army mount


L2 Walnut with
flush silver band


L1 Walnut Oliphant
Maxima Maxima


Rowlette Unigena Maxima Maxima


Rowlette Delecta Maxima Maxima Horn Mount

 Ser Jacopo Kalabashes available in the following finishes:

Kalabash pipes are made with a variety of mounts, bands and other options. The photos in this gallery can give you an idea of what has been made by Ser Jacopo up to this time.



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